Cdbf funding
Cdbf funding

cdbf funding cdbf funding

Colfax County Food Pantry (CCFP), in Schuyler, is being awarded $475,000 to support its food distribution efforts, which greatly increased during the pandemic.

#Cdbf funding plus#

The award will result in a drive-up option for the pharmacy, plus interior renovations to add exam space and permanent dividers for social distancing. Like other health facilities, the clinic expanded its services during the pandemic to meet community needs. Bloomfield is being awarded $100,000 for renovations to the Bloomfield Medical Clinic.Visit  for more information on the CDBG-CV program. Today’s awards are listed and briefly described below. These awards will ultimately add to our communities’ health and safety while providing much-needed resources to bolster their economic recovery,” said DED Director Anthony L. “Thanks to this support from the CDBG program, tens of thousands of Nebraskans will have better, safer access to essential services - from food banks to medical clinics and vaccine distribution centers - that have been vital in our fight against COVID-19. Unlike traditional CDBG awards, no matching funds are required. The awards - made possible by the CARES Act - will help eight Nebraska communities better prepare for, respond to and recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.ĬDBG-CV funding is administered by DED to units of local government and collaborating nonprofits in Nebraska’s non-entitlement communities. The Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED) has announced 12 awards totaling $4,643,365 in Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) funding.

Cdbf funding